Don’t Be a Victim!
More than 500,000 Americans have died of the coronavirus.
Now a famed medical doctor says you can prevent and beat the virus in his new bestseller Fight Back!
You are at war with one of the most potentially deadly viruses the world has ever faced, the vicious COVID-19 infection, the coronavirus.
It has left panicked Americans afraid to leave their homes.
Now multiple vaccines are available and are working!
They are safe and effective but you need to know the full facts.
Which one is best for YOU?
And how do you prevent an infection even after you get the vaccine?
You need answers and a powerful response — and it’s in Dr. Crandall’s new bestseller
Fight Back: Beat the Coronavirus.
Fight Back
may be the most important book you’ll read now . . . and for years to come . . . it’s already a #1 Amazon bestseller!
Written by renowned cardiologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall,
Fight Back: Beat the Coronavirus
gives you the information you need to reduce your chances of ever getting the virus, and the ammunition you need to defeat it, if, God forbid, you ever get infected.
The world has radically changed. But your world doesn’t have to!
Many people remain wary of how to move forward or simply go back to “living their lives.”
Fight Back
gives you both a practical and medical guidebook on how you and your family can not only survive this pandemic but how you can resume many of your normal activities — just by using the many tips offered by Dr. Crandall.
And remember, there are fears of a second wave of the disease expected to come in the fall and possibly beyond that as well.
Fight Back: Beat the Coronavirus,
Dr. Chauncey Crandall reminds us that even with new vaccines, COVID-19 remains an invisible enemy, a ticking time bomb!
About the Authors
Chauncey W. Crandall I.V., M.D., F.A.C.C., is a renowned cardiologist in the U.S., and the leader of medical missions across the world for 40 years, leading medical teams on the front lines of war against the plagues that devastate poor communities throughout the world. The Yale-trained surgeon is director of preventive medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic and chief of interventional cardiology at Good Samaritan Medical Center in Palm Beach County, Florida. A New York Times bestselling author, he edits the popular newsletter Dr. Crandall’s Heart Health Report.
Charlotte Libov is an award-winning health book author and a health reporter with expertise in pandemic outbreaks. Her passion for fighting COVID-19 stems from the experience of her aunt, who tragically contracted the Spanish flu as a child and was left a lifelong invalid.
Fight Back
offers practical, proven strategies for conquering the COVID-19 pandemic and also provides hope for staying healthy and safe during the most serious crisis the world has faced since World War II.
- What are the symptoms: It’s not just coughing! There are hidden ones as well . . .
- How to prevent infection: You can DRAMATICALLY lower your risk doing just three things . . .
- Boost your immune system naturally: Select foods and vitamins are not only recommended — they are mandatory during this pandemic
- What to do if you get sick: Call a doctor, go to the emergency room, or immediately do what? Dr. Crandall tells you . . .
- Discover new treatments: Several new drugs show incredible promise, but this one may be the true knockout and it’s coming soon . . .
As we adjust to the “new normal,” it is the perfect time to learn how to combat the virus and overcome the challenges that lie ahead.
Fight Back
is a book that all Americans should have at home to help guide us through the COVID-19 crisis.
Get Informed — You and Your Family —
About COVID-19
Our best defense against COVID-19 is staying informed, living healthier, and strengthening our immune system.
So we can fight back against it.
You can take steps that protect you . . . and dramatically lower your risk of being infected.
You can take steps that lessen your risk of death if you get infected.
Fight Back
gives you the most critical and effective strategies to personally use to fight COVID-19.
In clear and easy-to-understand language, Dr. Crandall’s
Fight Back: Beat the Coronavirus
lays out:
- How COVID-19 got here
- Why COVID-19 is so much worse than the flu
- Exactly who is at risk for COVID-19 (you may think you’re not, yet you are)
- The telltale symptoms you need to watch for
- Why people with high blood pressure need to worry
- The danger of being obese and catching the virus (how you can protect yourself now)
- How to get tested and which tests you really need (not all work well!)
- How to treat the symptoms of COVID-19
- The ABCs of social distancing (it’s more than handwashing!)
- How to safely deal with food shopping, takeout, and home deliveries
- The top ways to disinfect your home
- How to travel safely (don’t become a hermit, live life — but lessen risks!)
Keep Your Health, Ward Off COVID-19
Fight Back: Beat the Coronavirus
reveals the best ways to keep your immune system in tip-top shape!
- How a good, uninterrupted night’s sleep helps bolster immunity and fight germs
- The best foods that keep your body healthy and your immune system charged, making you less apt to get sick
- 18 key supplements to boost your immunity and battle viruses
- Easy exercises you can do at home to stay strong
- Best and most effective ways to reduce stress (which may be a bigger contributor to getting infected than you think)
Fight Back
provides the straight facts we all need to maximize the natural defenses our bodies carry to defend us against COVID-19. It will give you and your family a big boost in fighting the coronavirus!
PLUS: This breakthrough book also takes you to the frontlines of the hospitals and health centers now treating COVID-19 patients and the research labs where scientists have developed vaccines.
It’s chock-full of inside information you can’t get anywhere else!
You will find out:
- How severe COVID-19 is treated
- The value of antibody testing
- Whether COVID-19 is here to stay
- How we can best protect our loved ones in nursing homes
With today’s special offer, you will receive a FREE copy of
Fight Back: Beat the Coronavirus,
just cover $4.95 for shipping and handling and we will rush your copy to your door. You will also receive four monthly issues of Dr. Crandall’s Heart Health Report.
You’ll find Heart Health Report to be packed with Dr. Crandall’s medically proven tips and strategies to keep your heart healthy, including:
- How to lower your risk for a potentially fatal heart attack . . .
- Keeping your blood pressure in check . . .
- Four tests you must take to assess your heart attack risk
- Easy ways to reduce your “bad” cholesterol levels . . .
- How to get off the statin drug roller coaster . . .
- Best ways to avoid painful surgical procedures on your heart . . .
- Steps diabetics must take to protect their heart and arteries
- Simple steps to prevent heart disease from stealing your health . . .
- And much, much more . . .
These complimentary issues of Heart Health Report are worth over $18, but are yours FREE!
Also, you will receive a three-month trial subscription to the popular monthly newsletter Health Radar — with the latest medical advice from Dr. Mehmet Oz — in both print and digital formats. Plus, you’ll gain 90 days of access to the Health Radar archives housing over 90 past issues.
At your leisure (any time, day or night), you can read about topics such as:
- The Anti-Alzheimer’s Diet
- Beware: Generic Drugs Are Not Always Safe
- How to Cancer-Proof Your Body: 7 Simple Steps
- 8 Surprising Reasons You May Be Gaining Weight
- Doctors’ Top 10 Anti-Aging Tips
- Ultimate Guide to Healthy Joints
- 6 Ways to Save $1,000 on Your Medicare Plan
Each month, Health Radar editors cull through the results of the latest scientific studies and reports from major medical centers. They analyze the details of health breakthroughs and promising new drugs — and report back about what top doctors in every field are saying about crucial health issues.
Act now and learn how to keep yourself, and your family, safe from COVID-19.
Your health simply can’t wait, because the coronavirus won’t disappear. It’s up to you.
Claim Your FREE Copy
With This Special Offer
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Fight Back: Beat the Coronavirus
PLUS send me a no-risk 4-month trial subscription to his medical newsletter, Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report. I understand this will cost me nothing and I will also receive a 3-month trial subscription to Health Radar also at no cost. I will just pay $4.95 to cover shipping and handling of the book. This is a FREE VALUE of over $50!
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